Everything You Need To Know To Mix Design Styles Like A Pro

Do you and your significant other have completely different design tastes? Are you a lover of farmhouse decor? Do they prefer more of a mid century modern palette? Are you at odds on whether you should install shiplap in the bedroom or a bold floral wallpaper? Don’t worry! You can both be happy. Many times you can come up with some amazing looks by incorporating multiple design styles into a given aesthetic.

You may be the more inspired one when it comes to design but sometimes all it takes is a touch of a secondary style in order to make your partner feel included and at home in your shared spaces. For example, a modern painting on the wall of a mostly farmhouse styled room would completely diversify the space and still keep the desired look and feel of the space. There are many ways to incorporate multiple styles. Here is a list of a few to get you started!

Color Schemes

Color choices can enhance or completely transform a space. For example, if you were to paint your white kitchen cabinets black, that can change the look from a more classic, maybe farmhouse look to a more modern kitchen. Also adding a pop of color to a boring bedroom, can be done by adding a persian rug which would add wonderful rich colors and completely change the look and feel of a room. Color is a very important part of your design. It can make a space warm, soft, bright or bold. Color is a wonderful way to blend two different worlds together and tie multiple styles into one cohesive feeling. 

There are many different ways to include our children, our spouse’s, or simply our own multiple tastes into a particular space. These are simply a few of my favorite ways to do so. I study daily and love learning new ways to bring creativity to everything I do so please, please, please, comment your own thoughts and ideas about your favorite ways to blend design styles down below in the comment section.


Light Fixtures

Selecting a light fixture that doesn’t completely fit your primary style choice is an excellent way to showcase your creativity and versatility as a designer, and honestly, as a person. Most of us aren’t one thing. You aren’t just a mom or dad. You aren’t just a plumber or teacher or banker or whatever. I have many interests and I know a lot of other people who do as well. This can also be the case with your design choices. There are no rules for design. There are principles and guidelines but there are also times when you must rely on your creativity to speak to you and allow your personality to shine.

Whether you choose chandeliers, wall sconces, recessed lighting, Lamps or anything and everything in between, you can use them as a way to introduce a secondary style.


Wall Art

This is my favorite part when designing in a room and it’s so crucial to the aesthetic of a space. Whether you are using paintings and drawings, or Mirrors and shelving I see it all as wall art. If you are putting shelves in a bedroom, the way you decorate your shelves should be done with a purpose. Do you want books on them or would you prefer ornaments and teddy bears? Which ornaments or books you select and how you display them can and will completely change the vibe. Another example would be If you were to put a contour drawing in an otherwise industrial space it could bring modern elements that you may be able to expound upon by introducing a modern chair and/or table piece.

Photo Credit: <a href="http://alyssakapito.com/" target="_blank">Alyssa Kapito Interiors</a>

Photo Credit: <a href="http://alyssakapito.com/" target="_blank">Alyssa Kapito Interiors</a>

Leather Lounge Chair.png


Y’all really do not know how I feel about chairs. I love them. I mean, chairs are a vibe. You can say so much simply with your selection of seating. While sofas are mostly similar, Chairs are all over the place. Some are built for comfort while others are works for art and others a perfect combination of the two. While designing a dining room (or any room for that matter) your table and chair selections don’t have to mirror each other, and in most instances I prefer that they don’t. By treating the table and chairs as the separate entities that they are you are able to unlock another level of design that will impact the room that much more.



Hardware is an extremely underrated design aspect. Selecting the wrong hardware can directly throw your entire motif out of whack. But, when chosen intentionally, you will be able to subtly build upon your blueprint to tie in elements of a secondary design style. For instance if you have a contemporary nightstand in a bedroom the hardware you select can transform your piece from modern to industrial to any and everything in between. With just a quick swap of the knobs on your furniture or kitchen cabinet doors you can create a balance between your two (or more) design styles. Not only will this help you create a more cohesive space, it will allow you to be as creative as you like with a piece you may find at a thrift store or garage sale that might be almost the look you are going for. Or maybe its a piece you already own and would like to repurpose. This little trick could save you a decent amount of money.

How have you combined your favorite design styles? Let us know in the comments!