Big News! Our Little Family is Growing — From Two to THREE!

We have big news!

I’m so excited to share this life-changing decision with you guys and finally give you all the details!

If you have been following us or a while, you probably know that Dave and I don’t have any kids of our own. Dave and I have been married for (almost) 7 years and have made the personal decision to not have kids. It works for us, and we have my incredible niece and nephew to love on and spoil. Our time has been full in the last 7 years with us traveling, my photography career, and of course just enjoying our time together renovating our home! Recently, however, we’ve begun to have a change of heart and we were thinking that the pitter-patter of little feet around the house would be nice after all.

That’s why we have decided to adopt a beautiful little baby…. puppy! We’re ready to have a little puppy in our home to fill our hearts with love and our days with adventure. Of course, our princess will be helping with upcoming projects and featured on our Instagram so keep an eye out for her! Maybe we could even do some fun doggie furniture DIYs soon!

Dahlia’s Story

She’s an F1BB Golden-doodle and oh so curly. If you aren’t sure what that means, to breed an F1bb Golden-doodle, one parent must already be an F1b Golden-doodle, which means the parent is half Golden Retriever and half Poodle. The other parent must be a full-blooded Standard Poodle. Her mom Thelma-Dam, is a 55 lb. AKC standard chocolate poodle with a laid back personality, that loves to fetch and give hugs. Her dad is Mojo-Sire, a 60 lb. F1B golden doodle. Words can't describe this guy's personality, he’s the coolest dog! She came to us from County Line Doodles, right here in Georgia. You can check them out at HERE. She is expected to grow to be between 40-60 lbs. and is going to be a big, fluffy cuddle-buddy! How precious is that?! Some people call these types of dogs “lamb dogs” due to their coat and size. This breed is known for being friendly, cheerful, sweet, gentle, loving, smart, energetic, and trainable. They are all around a great family pet. I mean, how could we pass her up with a temperament like that? We simply couldn’t! She’ll be more than just a pet though. She will be our first (and only) child — a valued and respected part of our family!

Drumroll please…

And now, for the moment you’ve all been waiting for We think this name fits her because she has a rare beauty just like a Black Dahila flower which represents elegance, dignity, confidence, and beauty. We get to welcome her home on August 9th which just happens to be our anniversary month! This is by far the best anniversary gift I could have ever asked for. She will bring so much more joy and meaning to our lives. We can’t wait and have already been busy puppy-proofing the house, looking for a trainer, looking for a vet, setting up her space, shopping for necessities, and of course getting her treats and toys she will enjoy. She is so spoiled already and doesn’t even know it. We are looking forward to days at the dog park, walks on mountain trails, dressing her up for Halloween, and all the wonderful things we get to do! Saying that we are excited is an understatement. We have waited 7 long years until we knew we were in the right position to care for someone other than ourselves and it was well worth the wait.


Now, we do understand that not everything will be sunshine and rainbows all the time. We know that there is a lot of hard work and patience that comes along with getting a puppy. We are prepared for it and are ready for the challenge. Nothing new in life comes without a transition period. We are going to take baby steps and get through this together. In the end, I know Zorra will be worth every chewed shoe, every accident in the house, and every sleepless night. Just like anything else, we will be learning as we go.

We appreciate you all so much for all the input we received on which puppy to choose and name options. Your ongoing love and support mean so much to Dave and I and we’re excited to continue sharing this new journey with you all.

want to make sure you don’t miss any pupdates?

Follow and connect with us on Instagram @project1826! Love you guys!